Wednesday, December 7, 2011

chapter 6: Orchard Beach in Pelham Bay Park

Orchard Beach is a resource for bolstering Latino community identity and has contributed to sustaining NY's cultural diversity. This beach has a history of attracting people who like to make it their own. the place was created in 1880's. Budget constraints contributed to the park's low-key approach toward management during the early years. The park's passive approach to management eventually favored an increase in visitation and visitor autonomy.

Chapter 5: Jacob Riis Park.

This park does not have enough funds to keep the place proper. Jacob Riis Park has a beach where more socially and culturally diverse population encounter one another while engaging in a great variety of activities. In federal parks the government has to consul the public and has to consider the viability of cultural groups ways when managing and making major changes to the park.  Most people that use Jacob Riis Park are recent immigrants who do not speak English or do not have a citizenship.The cultural behavior of these park users poses a challenge for park staff. This park has different bays. Bay 1 is a bay where many gays go, it is also a nude bay. This bay is dirty which does not stop people from coming here, the crowd is diverse.  Bays 5 &6 are where people sit in groups or alone. These bays are more relaxed and quite and the crowd is mixed. Bay 14 the boardwalk has no facilities and acts as a sort of cul-de-sac for boardwalk activities. Mostly men visit this bay.

Chapter 4 The Ellis Island Bridge proposal..

The National Park Services wanted to build a bridge from Liberty State Park to Ellis Island. The restoration project included the construction of a bridge across the 400 yards of water between Ellis Island and Liberty State Park. People who were interviewed were into the situation, they took part of it with interest not just for the heck of it. They were understanding of the problem and its consequences even if they had different backgrounds. Some people view the changes as negative others positive. Residents of Ellis Island feel that the ferry is for tourist whereas a bridge would be for the local population who do not normally visit the island. If the bridge is built the locales will visit the island often and also learn the history.