Friday, September 30, 2011

summary due on September 29 2011

Summary p.157-169 & p.171-184

Pardue talks about how cities were analyzed by their spaces. People living in different parts of the cities often use different methods or transportation, which also relates to people’s social class and access of wealth. People with less money flow and less options usually get less privacy and lowest types of transportation. Therefore, Pardue uses the types of transportation to understand the people in the Sao Paula, Brazil. People with less money use trains and busses and people with money own a car and also have a private driver. Pardue interviewed three different people and their modes of transportation.
1.      Robson was one of the people Pardue talked about transportation. He was from a working class family and thought that trains were lowest form of transportation. He liked travelling in the busses and though that it gave people “view of life,” even though the price for bus and trains were the same.
2.      Second person was a woman named Edilaine, who grew up in a working class family. But later in life she became a journalist and then an editor of a professional news release for medical doctors. She used busses and trains before but now has a car and a private driver. She also move to an upper-class neighborhood.
3.      The last were hip-hoppers. Who used public space for greater accomplishments in gaining recognition from society. They used downtown subways to prove themselves.
I think sometimes in NYC people use subways and trains because they can not afford anything better. However,  people with cars also public transportation because there are times they wont find parking. Then there are people who use a cab because they don’t have to worry about parking or being pushed around in trains and busses.

Lewis talks about cultural poverty and poverty. He says in the record of history and literature, people look at poor people in 2 ways. 1) poor people are characterized as blessed, virtuous, honest and kind. 2) poor people are characterized as evil and violent.
Lweis says its not the people’s fault they are poor. No one desires to be poor. He also says sometimes it’s the governments fault that the poor are poor and have to use illegal methods to survive and make their place in the society.

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